Loan Mart Narional Spot #1


There are some pretty cool things about working in the film industry. You meet and work with some loanmart002amazingly talented people for one thing.
So when Director Shaun Piccinino gave me the tap to shoot three national quality commercial spots for Loan Mart I was pretty stoked and expected a great experience. I wasn’t disappointed.
I met Shaun a couple of years earlier on the set of Trespass Into Terror. He a lead actor and I was an AC. We hit it off really well right from the start. Our mutual respect for individuals striving for the best production possible in every situation may have been the link. In any case we have been friends since. Shaun has many attributes and perhaps the best is that he always prepares for the project. You can tell when a director has given a project through attention to detail and goals. Shaun displayed a grasp of Loan Mart’s objectives and the ability to collaborate with cast and crew. A testament of that is the fact that in a single day Shaun’s assembled team pulled-off 34-set-ups for three commercial spots. We will provide a link to the spots as they are made available.

More about Shaun Piccinino at IMBD page:…….

3B Digital Studios
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